

National Employee Leasing Company (NELCO) was an 18 year old company that provided back office services nationwide when they hired us.  Our task was to start from scratch and create a marketing strategy and materials that would allow them to take their services nationwide. Their goal was eventually to have franchises across the country. They grew to become a top-tier player in their industry with workers in 41 states. In 2008, they were acquired by CoAdvantage, a leading provider of human resources solutions.

We worked with NELCO for four years. Over that time, the project went like this:

Several BrandBooster sessions with carefully chosen employee groups to get a true picture of the state of the business.

Extensive competitive research and executive interviews.

Delivery and approval of detailed message strategy by audience.

Management held several events to roll out the findings and make sure everyone understood how they fit in to the future.  I trained a trainer to do these events for other locations as well as for franchise owners who came on board later.

The company promise that emerged from the sessions was “Right from the start”.  The company had been in a new industry from the very beginning and had always done things properly.

Marketing materials included:

new corporate identity design / brand guidelines manual / corporate brochures and sales materials / franchise development marketing materials / internal communication materials / B2B advertising


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