Amaze someone and they won’t forget you. by Jann Sabin
02.06.2017creativityA few months ago, I went to a coding event at the Las Vegas Iron Yard. When I arrived, the presenter came over, shook my hand and said, “I’m Mike, and you are?” “Jann,” I replied, and took my seat with about fifteen others. This continued for about ten minutes until the room filled with […]
READ MOREGetting storytelling right. by Jann Sabin
27.04.2017conversationsMost companies realize the importance of creating interactive customer relationships built around stories. Frequently this takes the form of describing you to yourself. I’m guessing this is to show you that they understand you. These descriptions are probably based on research into who the customer is, or who the customer they hope to acquire is. […]
READ MORECollection of posts
27.03.2017conversationsHERE you’ll find an overview of posts for clients and online platforms including Huffington Post
READ MOREWhy culture is your company’s single most important asset. by Jann Sabin
03.07.2016cultureIf you’re in business, you’ve probably come upon articles recently that talk about the importance of culture. If you’re small, you might think it doesn’t apply to you. If you’re big, you might think you already “do” culture. No matter what your size, you might agree that culture is a nice concept, but today you […]
READ MOREThe moral of the story is, morals matter.
23.01.2014cultureIn the course of doing internal research for a client, we interviewed a high level executive at the company. The next day, he called me from an airport. I was not the person conducting the interview, but I was in charge of the project. He was having second thoughts: the interviewer was very good he […]